lululemon offers a warranty guarantee on all their products. Here’s how the lululemon return policy and the quality warranty process works.
How to Save Money on lululemon Clothing Over the years lululemon has gotten really expensive. I remember buying Lululemon pants for only $70 bucks. Nowadays, most pairs are anywhere between $98-$128. For a pair of spandex, I personally think that’s way too much. Luckily they will always have more inventory than they can sell for …
Here are some awesome activewear and health related 4th of July sales that we think you’ll find useful. Get up to 80% off your Summer needs.
Brands with lifetime guarantees can oftentimes save you time & money! Here are 100+ brands that offer lifetime or limited lifetime warrantees.
If you’re new to lululemon, you might not be able to tell the difference between core & seasonal/fashion items. Here is a list of lululemon core products.
Check out my visit to the lululemon Pop Up shop in Las Vegas! Learn what a Pop Up shop is and see my fitting room try ons.
Celebrate Gay Pride Month with these rainbow colored togs and more! Make sure you shop with brands that give back to LGBTQ community!
Flow 2 Freedom is a woman-owned period pants company who invented a pant to catch leakage problems. Read our Flow 2 Freedom review of the Exhale bottoms.